Help us to carry on our projects
Since established, Museo Ferroviario Piemontese based its own existence on the valuable contribution of volunteers who deal with everything is needed to make the museum function. MFP, in fact, has no payed employees; all activities necessary to the good performance of the Museum, from mowing the flower beds, to the restoration of the vehicles on display, are carried out by a close-knit group of people who share a passion for the railway and want help to keep, increase and spread the culture of railways transport in Piedmont.
Volunteers are fundamental to welcome, inform and entertain the thousands of visitors who pass through the gates of Savigliano each year; and we also have to keep tidy the venue, do maintenance, carry out the restoration of the rolling stock and much more. Among other things, we need pepole who want to:
Act as a guide, to explain the guided tour for groups and individuals, sharing with visitors the fascinating history of each piece in the collection. It would be very useful to have someone who speaks foreign languages, mainly English and German.
- Work in the Library, to help in cataloguing the wide collection of books and to help Patrons to searc for volumes they want to examine.
- Mantain and service the layouts, fixing small – and not so small – failures that occur during operation, both to the systems, and the landscape.
- Take care of the yard and green areas; especially the vast outdoor exhibition area needs someone to take care of mowing weeds, spread herbicide, lubricate points and switchs, and so on.
- Take care of the vehicles on display and outdoor exhibition area, keeping them clean and tidy.
- Devise and follow up the organization of exhibitions and events
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